The Athletes Foundation

Builds your athletic foundation. Great for younger athletes (around age 10 -14) and also for athletes with litlle to no prior physical training. Works a broad range of aspects: Speed, Strength, Agility, Injury prevention etc.

This program is designed for athletes to build their athletic foundation and learning strenth and physical training. Every athlete no matter age group, prior training or equipment acces -are able to do this program. Here we are working on a broad aspect of physical elements, such as speed, strength, agility, injury prevention, mobility and generally health of joints and muscles, to make you the allrounded perfect athlete. It will also prepare you for the more adavanced and specific programs we offer. And It’s also an easier program to follow and schedule when in season and playing a lot of games.

FAQ's and important knowledge before getting started

Training volume and sessions per week?​

Recommendation is 1-3 intense peak sessions per week depending on how many team practices and games you got that same week. But optimally minimum 2 times Then besides that, 2 low intensity active recovery/injury prevention sessions per week. 

On a week of maybe 3 team practices and then also a game at the end of the week. Then 3 sessions of intense lifting and plyometric training, would in most footballers cases be way too much. Therefore your training has to be scheduled carefully, so it’s not going to result in overloading and then injuries, which in the end is going to slow down your progress completely.

So If you are not able to day 3 peak sessions per week, but for example 2 times or 1 time instead. Then rotate between the 3 different sessions

Could for example look like this, if it’s 2 sessions per week. On week 1 you will complete session 1 and session 2. Then on week 2 you will complete session 3, then session 1 again. Week 3 then its session 2 and session 3. And then continue this way.

What days should sessions be scheduled on?​

Number 1 rule – No intense sessions the day before a game or the day after a game. These are the days we work the 2 very low intensity, active recovery and injury prevention sessions. 

Number 2 rule – Not more than 2 high intensity days in a row. 3 days in a row of high intensity training will probably hurt you more, than it’s benefitting.

Number 3 rule – Try to perform these high intensity sessions, before team training or on days with no team training, if in-season.

How long should i follow the program for?

You can follow the program as long as you want and feel comfortable with. The only thing with this program is that i dosn’t have the same ability of progression as the others. Therefore at some point the gains would become minimal.

How to get started if beginner?

Take things slow and ease into it. With this program you can always start with less volume of training sessions and training sets and then slowly build up the amount of volume that you are able to handle.

Not Enrolled

Training Plan Includes

  • 4 Training Sessions